Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 1:26 AM
had fun session during DIAN training. and had fun supper with SSP after my training and their movie watching at national museum.
and glad to see happy faces and cubs.
working tmr.
1:07 AM
i think i should begin from SSP camp.
hmm. the last week of holiday and gonna sit for my papers.
so it happen that SSP was having camp.
prep camp, no no for me. i shud revise and pick up things what i had left out during these holiday. so, went down just to say hello, and I'm off.
1st day of camp.
came early and just in time for their introductory. so i stayed there and thought of study concurrently. but the excitement overwhelm my study mood and joined in th activities.
and my niat, was to stay there till night and go back home. but, end up, members nye pasal, i told my mom, im having a 2 day 1 night camp the next day and on the moment, i told them i'm gonna sleep over at jeff's. HAHA. green light plus a bit of amber!
so we had night walk. and i was station with su, aidil the ghost and sarah the medic. so sarah came back from her silat, and brought some bahulu and jellies. but due to kebulur, sanggup went to fc3 to grab some foods. but we not the only one who did that. ariff n saf were ard too. lepak sak. grab foods and went back to W14. and also end up, wano, shira, reyza n irsyad lepak at our station.
so during the nightwalk, one by one pass by our station. and near the end of the nightwalk, wahida was jumped by hidayat. kiwek, i think due to his reflex action, he box her up. smorg kecoh esp asmida. HAHA.
so th night was over and early morning i went back home to grab some stuffs.
2nd day, hectic day.
came ard 4 and they having their telematch. and everyone was rushing for time. and we having masquerade night.
LIVE BAND.GREAT FOOD. THRILLER. CATWALK. DANCING. LIMBO ROCK.and lastly, Amanah Tahta Singa. - a sad , touching selection and passing down of leaders.
Chief - Wano, V.Chief- Wahida and Izzad. Congrats.
and everyone had their fun and did say tak sia2 diorg dtg camp ni.
and the third day, did their skit and everything and bid farewell.
Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 4:00 AM
having MST right now.
Resume blogging once i'm done.
good luck muggers! :)
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 2:34 AM
hey Tuesday! FYP/Study group!our meet up was in the afternoon. kisah nk buat fyp, lps tu blja. Research FYP cant be done, study group, end up talking group! we didnt bring the essential book!
hey Monday! Bring in the future, mom!blum pape, im at arab st, looking for raw materials for my baju raya. and im attracted to this oldish look. and i know the sales person was manipulating my purchasing of the clothes. mcm aku tak tau, aku pun SALESPERSON. stupid. but kain mmg lawa. so just buy it. yg satu tak ble angkat, dad bring up this issue that we had this baju kurung 5 years back, purple and matching to my mom's colour. buat fedup ni!
so we went to JB, went to the boutiques and we stop by the pizza hut. it was damn damn damn damn cheap lah. RM 36 for 2 Large pizzas. meaning, Sg $8.50 for 1 larg pizzas. meaning i can buy 4 large pizza in msia compared to 1 large pizzas in singapore for the same price. BALOI! and we bought some to obek hs. and this cute boy, ada mateen, rushes for my dad when he came out from his room. perpetah berbual!
hey Saturday/Sunday! MNS, boring!!work as per normal. im late as per normal. except, sunday, i brought lontong for diah and sadiq. and after work, went to have drink at mac cafe. ;P
hey Friday! ZZZzzZZzzZz!mom woke me up with her loud, swallowed loud hailer, voice. asking me to go for this warehouse sales with my dad. Levis, Guess, Calvin Klien and stuffs kononnya. padahal2. sampai sana, Levis Signature, mostly jeans. their calvin klien only boxers ey. their only Levis available was only Levis 508. kiwek, balik sua!
and at night, went to the B.....;P
hey thursday! Airport/Training Day!so i woke up ard 10 plus and quickly dressed up and rushed to airport.
there's no someone i need to send. but i'm having lunch with filzah, wahida and izzad. out of many places, we had lunch there. but too bad, i had mine at home.
and wahida, make lots of mistakes in identifying all the dishes she pointed up. kerang jd kupang. keropok ikan jd ikan kering. sayur apa tah jd bittergourd. HAH. and byk2 ikan, and jauh2 wahida dtg, she pointed out SARDINE! haha.
after the lunch, had a walked around all the terminals. what we did, we DANCE, SING, PICTURE, SITTING DOWN last but not least, idah bought us a JELLIBEANS. then we accompany her to expo, just to claim her specs bag. shiyaks. and after which, we depart and im off to do FYP.
FYP was ok i guess. met naim and we manage to get something done. and im off to home and to training. and after which, i mean nadia gong at the bus terminals. kekek habis. and manage to scummed time.
practice at DIAN was as per normal, except my sister and her guy, i guess, was around. at the end of the training, we head to mustafa: Elly, abg, along, sufian and me, of course. they did their routines and after which we went for Sampedek! and i had a good time, talking crap with abg n elly. nyahha!
Sunday, June 08, 2008 @ 12:00 AM
its wednesday. CCA DAYwent to school for another Wangsa Training. and con-currently, helping Asmida's FYP. So people involve were khairul, me, sadiq, suhailah and Asmida herself. An experiment of human's blood pressure, glucose, and urine test for before/after a workout.
so had a urine test. maut nyek. den finger prick. in total, 4 finger pricks. and suprisingly, i had fun lah.
then had lunch.meeting. and lastly,
ICE SKATING! maut per. with mira, aidil, asmida and jeff.
initially, i refuse but the godaan of trying to ice skate overwhelms me. so i skate smartly. slow and hold the bars and with the courtesy of aidil and mira. and i make friend with small kids. not really friends lah, cuz they were laughing at me when they saw me trip. so everytime we met, we laugh. and i made my own style of stopping or breaking.
dang, im having blister. i didnt wear any socks. and its damn and tight inside the skate shoe. so after their resurfacing, i tuck in my jeans in the skate and damn give another try. but this time i skate and fall. skate and fall. best gak arh. kekek lagi ada. amik jatuh2kan org. KEKEK OR WHAT!

its tuesday! FYP @ Changkat Another FYP session at changkat. wanna use the machine at the workshop. but, the result of using the machine was not good that i had to use the penknife to cut it. but had fun DNT-ing with salamah!
its monday! FYP. walauwey. i woke up and late for my FYP. lucky me today not meeting Mr Tan.
so did project and not lot of progression.
its sunday! hey. woke up from a short sleeping hours. cuz jeffri and izzad were in the HOUSE!
so woke up by khai's wake up call cuz he's outside my house. and thx ey, he rang the bell and make the whole hs awared. and also nad's navigation call. and adillah came nicely behind nad.
so we quickly put on make up and our costumes. thx to Along for the help. and thx mum for the breakfast. and thx dad for sending us to Bukit Batok.
i was panic around cuz we kind of late. the event starts at 11am. but our item will be in the afternoon. but its better to be there from starting, right. da lah tunggu izzad lambat nk berak, abeh dpt suspend dr highway igtkan jam, rupanya, road work. and we reach there ard 1pm.
muke izzad and jeff da steam, tk cukup tdo. and everyting pass very quickly. the DJ was KC and he was the best. and the food were ok. and we have our MLS boys to be the waiter of the day! and we took pictures all over.
part sedih, nad tertinggal sluar kat rumah aku. terpaksa die balik ngn baju2 tu skali with the hair and the make up. but we're not mean. kite kepong die dlm train and adillah, izzad and jeff temankan die balik. nyahha!
da sampai rumah jek, aku hibernate fom 6.30 pm to 12pm next day.
its saturday! oink!wake up damn early and my first time working A shift. So after work, rush to bik nini hs for small feast over my cousin's graduation. everyone were in the house.
that's what we did. and kena scolded by obek cuz we laugh alot rather than read when during the tahlil.
i hate this part when one of my uncle pushes me when i wanna hug him due to unseen/foggy circumstances. *delete*
mum and i went to cik yok's jemputan. its a normal thing to come to mingle with other relatives the night before the wedding reception.
and my buddies came over for a
BOYS NIGHT OUT! supposedly, a SLUMBER PARTY! my wangsa peeps can't make it. however, Jeff and Izzad came at the nick of time.
firstly, they were from PP playing pool. then they came making a scene at my void deck. shouting and singing out loud.
Aquila2. then they CONFIDENT called me saying they're outing my house. Adalah aku jenguk kat luar tp takda org. i open the door, hearing them beri salam, from the second floor. Member confident sak!
perangai wano sak korg. HEHE.
a quick re-cap of what we did.
smoke outside my house. played the guitar mcm bujang lapok. eat leftovers. tgk GOODLuck Chuck. threesome. izzad being corny. wake-up call for Adillah, Nadhirah, Wano and Rashidah at 5am in the morning. and ATLAST we sleep.
tis' the way