Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 11:23 PM
so after hard work on my Aircraft Servomechanisms and Electronic,
i finally pulled it off.
thx to khalaf for his lasagne. a scrumptous one.
so early morning, went to school for last paper.
sat for it and like 1 hr, im done.
did b1-7 non-stop, but for b8 and mcq, hentambo.
then, went out smiling, look for my friends and meet wano and hafiz.
tot of catching a movie.
caught shira in the train as promised, and ada jek jumpa akmal. haha.
shaw hs and GV doesnt show what we want to watch and thx arh wano, JUMPERS kluar february ey! and she's doing her punishment now by sending the video despite of the size.
so went to LJS instead. bought the festive meal. 4 chicken, 4 fish, 8 prawns, 4 side dish and 1 bottle of cherry. amik kau!
then went to NAFA open hs. meeting wano's friend, hazamy. ku sangka lelaki, sekali ppm sak! haha. hafiz and i were laughing took the goodies, and went ard the school. pretty intresting. own cubicle, your own expression of art, your space, your freedom and you burn your wallet! and im interested in the fashion design. make your own dress and shirts. cool SHIT!
so, we hang around at starbucks and hafiz was about to caught red-handed by his father. have a nice chat and went back home.
but NO!
called wahida. she just finish her exam. so i board the train to raffles. talk to her and been persuade to stay for doughnuts. talked to her from 4.50pm and she reach at 5.55pm. hOWS THAT! i even slept in front of the congested human traffic.
went to raffles and den millenia walk for starbuck and doughnut with wahida, syu and nadia. i prefer to watch instead. hang around and laugh as loud as we could. talking about celebrities whom hiding their side personalities, talking about how slenger syu can be, talking about old kids program, talking about stuffs and stuffs. and done.
now im feeling vice versa awkwardness of going out instead of sitting home studying.
Sunday, January 27, 2008 @ 10:20 PM
What Muhammad 'Aizat Haikal Bin Saini Means |
 You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. |
12:08 AM
does everyone had their moments of becoming a
clairvoyant or a dejavu?
or is it only THE people gets it.
or is it in a simplified term,
or in Malay, "mulut masin"
Saturday, January 26, 2008 @ 11:57 PM
ku sangka ku rajin, tetapi ku malas. haha
2 more papers den to my holiday and attachement!
den aku boleh berzapin dan berbaris.kerja?
24/7. serious.
Weekdays - School Attachment
Weekends - Marks and Spenser
MNS, good yet sux.
good for the payment, sux for the customers. and TI TAY, PUCK KU! want to do cashier but slow.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 @ 12:17 AM
i miss my friends and families right now.
i miss diah,haddad, aidil, mira, asmida, jeff, shak, fadhuli, reza, reyza, aisyahbi, nisya, sarah, filzah, wano, fizza, wahida,nizal, suhaila, fard, my wangsa, jihad, mai, hanafi, irwan, ridwan and the list carry on.
i wanna change my blog skin!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 @ 11:53 PM
effort paid off for studying last min. the paper was easy yet i did overlook some stupid mistake. DANG~ nvm. 3 more papers to go.
i don't wanna be like this kid. HAHAHAHA
you know what,
i cant wait for my ITP. im attached to this company called Applied digital system. dgr mana nyek bagus. skali jual hardwares. but they do some digital things.
alah, its at ayer rajah. it as if you going to school but need some bus trips.
then i cant wait for my dancing dancing.
hahaha.i want my zapin!
im long to meet up my secondary friends. but i dont like their well being thou. they like talking about jamming, rock and stuffs. some people change. why they cant jus like the ssp gang. jus had fun and everything in common.
im done!
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 12:51 AM
i finish my web design on time.
and im beginning to love dream weaver, but its very tedious
haha, and akid and i were an academic-merchant
he did my report and i did his programming.
akid, mira and i had a laughing period in the lab.
anyway, when to bik nini's hs.
watch the sinaran hati klasik.
hey, you know, out of the bunch, i respect NJC malay dance the most.
i don't know them and i knew them thru youtube.
not many malay join the culture.
so 90% were non-malays: chinese, indon and etc.
after looking at them, my motivation boost up.
wanna trim down my body and lead a good reputation for wangsa.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 @ 12:45 AM
marks the night of Wangsa officially open.
Sang Singa Purba
wangsa / (N a) siri raja daripada satu keturunan; dinasti [dynasty]
with the courtesy of kamus millenium
Back Scene
Two dedicated dancers who long to set-up a Malay Dance in SP.
SP is one and only tertiary institute which doesn't have a Malay Dance.
With their hunger and enthusiasm of enriching Malay culture, with their own effort, born a Malay Dance group.
It started off with a contemporary item for Muzikarama 3 epilogue scene.
Contemporary showing the mixture of the 5 basics Dance and
an arabian touche.
The dance which reflects craziness yet done with a sleek movement giving a jeez of what Muzikarama 3 about.
It cannot be done with these dancers:
Amalia, Hasanah, Rashidah, Adillah, Faridah, Rohanisya, Aizat and Khairul.
and we named this group, Wangsa Sang Singa Purba.
a dynasty of Sang Singa Purba.
Sang Singa Purba has been the word spread amongst the theater group.
Now, it will be the Purba Ke5 meaning the 5th generation.
Its been famous of it own music element, own creativity and an independent group.
Thus, the dance group will be owning of SSP's qualities
Founder of Wangsa:
Nadhirah Bte Wahid Saini (DMCM)
Nur Adillah Bte Md Masnoor (DID)
the Pioneer Committee:
Muhammad 'Aizat Haikal Bin Saini (DASE)
Suhailah Bte Munajat (DMCM)
Nur Faridah Bte Unus (DCSE)
Rohanisya Bte Jumari (DCNT)
Sarah Atiqa Bte Mohamed Sah (DBF)
12:11 AM
school was fine. and in fact, like no school.
and wangsa meeting was fine.
and i ate dinner with my cuz at airport.
anyway, went T3. super cool sia. like now u can see the viewing room of what happening after the checkpoint.
Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 11:57 PM
working sux. as per normal, trying to complete my dictionary.
and during work, my mouth full of saliva thinking of sushi.
so after work, i bought a set cost 3.90 insted of 4.90 cuz its not fresh.
so got 3 raw fish sushi, 1 crabmeat sushi, 1 caviar sushi and i grilled fish sushi.
mak dikaws. tak leh angs.
and i ever got backfired by wasabe.
bile nk mkn kat sakae sushi!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008 @ 2:45 AM
alah. aku malas arh tulis blog dalam english. kononye nak baikkan bahasa english ku.
arh, pi mampos. HAHA
2:08 AM
shud i begin my blog now? its been a few week i stop blogging
today work sux.
bump into bik aizam
said to fauzi, i jus published a Dewan Kamus, Maki Version
went to school open hs again
so mls-ing/free ice cream/ fridy prayers/ din's free van ride/ tour in spinnovex again and again/free ice cream again/ peep-ings
reluctant to leave my frens, i went back to unit
and thx ey, im the only CI wearing PT kit.
now its a bit awkward stating me as a CI
heard my name being whispered by the cadets, its quite cute thou.
i took the effort to cut my hair and stuffs
they came in with dyed and long hair and also in civilians
but who cares
we seems like a heckcare CI
and as usual, sherman and i took a puff behind the school
its feels great to break secondary school rules again
and i felt busted cuz i scolded on the first day of the year i came back to NP
and these kids really show their temper on each other
grown up people.
no school
but went for SERVO lab test for just an hour
as usual, met wano first
today is SP's first day of Open Hs
so wano and i, took free ice cream and tour around and met some familiar faces around.
and zana, great project!
den meet the peoples.
and den nadia, jeff, syu, wahida, aidil and me went to IMM for dinner
cool babe
and we sat there quite long time. entertain with jokes and stuffs
and we were talking about this two transvestites. haha
and den head home.
then supper at simpang with families
the guy smile, recognising a similar face the previous night
same again
ony got GEMS
and having our paper
meeting akid
and mira came along
akid was completely copying my paper
no deal
he look like a good fren
den meet my peeps
they play soccer, i went home for maal hijrah at Ghurfran
last till 10 plus.
heavy eye lids but on for supper at simpang
damn early for oop
skip my lect and study for MCT lab test
and thx ey, cancel
wasted time only
in the end, i went home
feel awkward gg home early
schools plus peeps
went home early to meet my fren
lepak in the room and at night, i went to cut my hair.
i like my hair now. got pony tail. hahaha
saturday and sunday
1st day of work of the year
reconcile back with colleagues
and yes im back with MENS
no foods.
but no waste of time, no smelling good always, no munching2
but yes to walking and boringness
school as per normal
adik didnt appear for friday prayer and jus knowing that he's praying at sembawang
SOS sms alert!
wano is gg to town!
ok, i follow
Wano, shirah, diah and i walking down to the down town
but end up raining
talking abt stuffs
eating at cahaya and window shopping
ok, meeting frenz meeting at marsiling
coicidentally meeting parents for dinner at marsiling
but dang~ dad cancel it cuz sis failed to wake up for dinner
so we walked around the park and talked things
alah, jus new fren, and thats all.
chat with diah till morning.
went for servo
den after school suddenly most of the wawas is at fc3
not all
den we move on to JE for pool
im amatuer in pool
and i damn wanna try ice skating
my fun day!
meeting day!
this is the first day of the last term
wanna meet my fren after long trip at kl
at gems, met mira
we talked about korea and kl.
cool stuffs
akid came by and new fren was made even though i noe some of his background from khalaf
den met most of them at fc3
and thx for wahida for craving for doughnuts, we move on to marina sq
izzad, mira, aidil, wahida, diah, wano and filzah were around
wano went early due to her father's bdae celeb
so all of us down with starbucks and doughnuts
chat till 8 plus
hear people's woes in relationship
and home!
12:29 AM
i remember we're departing from singapore on 23.12.07, 2000 hours
went back home from bird park
lucky i packed my bag before for outing
bathe and off i go meeting them at causeway
courtesy of my tired dad, he sent me off there
mom followed me to the meeting point
seeing them anxiously writing white cards, putting on lanyard with IDs
parents and friends at the side witnessing the moments
group was formed and hands were join
feeling the heartbeat and the warmth of each person kindles the moments of families
in SSP. prayers were chant and wishes were made
mom, thank you for letting me go KL and for believing in me
mom advising people whom she knows
and i gave my mom a last hug
and tears can't hold back anymore and starts to fall
yes, i'm might be a rebellious and naughty, but hey, i'm a mommy's boy
even though this was not the first time i'm touring without parents, i somehow will miss them. wild thoughts of your safety runs wild in your head, thus making you feel heavy to leave them
and yes, time for departure
took bus from interchange and i ever lose off my sling bag, which i don't know how it fall off.
reached checkpoint
and bye Singapore, and hello Malaysia
and mat Malaysian curiously looking at us with uniform looks.
sat at the Coffee Bean
waiting to board the train off to KL
supper at Mac Donald and props were taken off from the car
and its time to board the train
and how lovely suhaila's grandpop came by wishing us luck
we were super happy
called my mom for the last time before i can't get the network
board the train and rest
it was a double decker, cool shit
we play games, smoke, sing, dance, videoing, disturbing, lepaking, joke and stuffs and end up we're at KL
we reach around 7 plus in the morning
had Mac Donald for breakfast
and off for our hostel
**hostel story i better off don't let it blurp out in here
reach hostel, check in and off for training
it went for days n days
getting things right
had fun in the room
sleepless night for this wild thinking boy
and ever made nizal share a squezzy bed with me!
clubbing kinda room
for Christmas celebration, we went out to Berjaya Time Square
the celebration was crazy
young teens fooling around with this new spraying foaming thingy.
the road was half occupied by people walking
the car had no choice but to stall
and people taking advantage spraying at thier car
dang~its hard to get rid of the soapy stain sia
human chain was formed
walking down
and jihad manage to buy some sprays and shoot off at shamil's
dang~ their celebration damn bored
in the end, we watched movie.
National Treasure
ey, cool shit sia.
i made lotsa noise
diah, fard, su, jeff and me were assigned to go central market to buy props
we in the morning we start out adventure wondering where is CM
its actually petaling street area
ask around for navigation
jeff's navigator system can't be use
at a point of time, we came across this place where opp are temples.
HEY! i remeber this place.
back when in 2004, went to KL with my sis and her friends. let me recall, abg dwi, kak monis, kak lin, kak effni, sis and me
we were at the same spot wondering where's petaling street and we took a taxi. and found out it was jus across the street. and we charge 5-10 ringgit if im not wrong.
ok, reality check!
so we cross and shop.
its like we go to one shop and one shop but not for props, its just for us. HAHA.
so after a light drink at Macd,
we move on the next jus beside it.
it was the money changer
next shop, is the DIGI shop. it goes by next and next and it cater's to our needs.
and end up we end in the place like metro.
haha. borong sia what we need to buy for props.
end up, we buy a 10 feet pole. wondering to take cab but HELLO, how we suppose to feet in the pole in the taxi.
by letting the window wind down and make the taxi looks like it balancing on a tight rope.
or even, cut into half, take taxi and paste it back. hhah. no way.
so, we walked back. putting the props on the pole and we carried it like a samsuih woman sia.
we everyday sleep near to 2-3am
on the friday,
our show day
but we shift room to all boy and girls respective room
show for three consecutive nights
each with different style
style for the better changes
emotions were created
even for second day, we need to run around the DPMS. haha
for me, emotion bottle was fulled and someone broke it and it was rushing out
cried and manage to call everyone of my family
oh yeah, forgot. i got their prepaid card. it was really handy
thanks to the families and friends and some Malaysian people to watch our show
anyway, after the last show, we wanna celebrate
cik hassan seriously wanna take us out for karaoke but we refuse
end up, we watch another movie. AVP2
quite boring thou
no climax at all
but i made the lot of noise again. just the suspend parts, yarh!
then first time mac donald delivery to out hostel
at 4am, at last it came
on the 31st morning, went to sunway lagoon.
tot of paying their theme park, but no one wanna go there. so ok.
and i just realise, sunway lagoon shopping centre was called the sunway pyramid
and i ever came across the word in my malay novel
it was like kind off i been in the place mention by the book and looking at how it looks like
so, there, we play bowl which could be found in Singapore
no shopping cuz psychological thinking, it is expensive
and can't ice skating
AJ was mad.
went to stor teater back to clean up everything.pack and pack and pack.
get ready and we went to bukit bintang again for dinner
we ate at Chicken Rice Shop
it were pretty tedious to there especially with didi's leg condition
so, from Bukit bintang, take LRT to bukit nanas.
where i rememer i stayed near there in a hotel called concorde. COOLness. mesmerising fo the past
den from there, took another LRT to KLCC.
dang, each train was pretty full.
so we broke up into groups.
i forgot to introduce to my group.
Haddad, Me, Sarah and Sash
so, when the train door open, sash and i moshed in. FUN SIA!!
and we're the first group to arrive
waiting for the rest and we on
it was drizzling and it never ruin the day
human chain was formed
a really big big crowd
saw the KLCC. wohoo!
long time no see tall guy!
we walked until a place where everyone gathers around countdown together.
there's a big visualizer showing a concert happening at Detaran Negara i guess.
so countdown and boom, Happy new year.
we record each moment, taking picture, watching at fireworks which like so the Singapore's NDP firework. haha
and happy 2008 republic!
sat down and did nothing.
zal, jeff, diah, sarah and as wanna go foot massage.
mann, i can't let jeff go without his brother bo!
so here i come.
at first, we track back to the last station.
police and the army's volunteer were around the place.
so we went in.
like a choatic sia
den one of the head say, " biarkan jangan marah atau toong diorg. kalau diorg atuh pun biarkan"
how should we know. and we say, "nasib dapat train ni"
i dunnow where they rushing to, but everyone is gg to take the train and a congested esclator.
then two army woman shouted, " hah, asal tak terjun. nak tolak2 nk naik train kan. terjun lah. kalau apa2 kang, aku tk akan report ke pegawai apa2 tah. "
we were suddenly shocked by that
and the tot of the army beating them up, make us gg out.
and the head got say again,' biarkan diorg kluar. td iye2 nk masuk, skrang nk kuar. "
we were pretty scared of not gg out from that place
and we said, " nasib dapat kuar"
we were looking at the map, and with my good memory (puji sendiri nampak. haha),
i remember the route arh.
so we walked back to the lrt at Bukit nanas. it was pretty far but lucky a straight route.
my prominent landmark was: Zouk, Saloma Bistro, Concorde and walaa, the LRT.
we board the train, and whilst jeff and i went to toilet, a fight was going on.
between indian couple whom a customer and a malay worker.
i dont know what happen.
but the indian was farking off the malay. and the worker made the right choice of keeping quiet and no ignite the sparks.
the indian says,"im gonna kill u if you dont say sorry"
i was pretty shock as now their politic problem was an indian riot.
and there's a batu api.
we board the train, and when we about to get off, we were having problem to get off.
lucky this malay guy shout, " ey hello, diorg nak jalan."
and lucky there's a lrt guard stop the passenger going in first. if not, we gonna stuck there!
seeing the celebration there haven end with spray cans
let them be
im glad we're there and i dont mind if they shoot at me rather the previous situation
so after a tired adventure and tired feet, we really deserved the massage.
after a half an hour massage, we walked back to hostel. and some of them haven sleep yet.
last day! TUESDAY!
woke up late. and pack things. took out props at stor teater and off to berjaya times square.
we got shift to take care of the bag.
didi, aidil, su and i went for shopping. at first we tot BTS will be damn expensive. but we found out like a bugis village up there.
we walked and walked, had lunch and su and i continue the shopping. like an amazing race i can say.
around 6pm
met them back
and board the bus
its a 2 and 1 seater bus.
frst half i slept. and stop at the penhentian.
ingat byk2 stop, skali 1 jek. and i remember this stop cuz i this is the stop when i went for gunung ledang with npcc that tyme.
so yarh, i think im the last to buy foods.
i dunno larh.
1burger for 4 ringgit.
im ok with it.
skali i gt two burgers.
Mai called me to get on the bus, and she say, buat bodoh sua, jln jek.
ahah. didnt tot so.
so in the bus, ate the burger, and the rest of the time, talked with the sleepless gang and watched video.
dang~the bus driver took 4 hours to reach singapore which is the timing for speeding car.WTF!
and home sweet home.
props gg to sarah's house. and dad fetch me. most of them live in the west followed to help to props to carry to sarah's hs. with the courtesy of her dad and aidil's van.
i miss KL right now!
Saturday, January 12, 2008 @ 11:16 PM
wake up
every at MLS
disturbing each other
then we change, some bathe, and den lunch at fc3
back to mls then prepare costumes
parent fetch me and off to nenek's hs
bathe and catch some sleep
and woke up for aidil adha ceremonies
and MAKAN time!
but after the prayers, we didnt head for home. instead, parents and i went to mosque help mak su out with cooking dishes. orang panggil daging keka ke apa tah!
help out till 4am. went home and woke up at 6 plus for prayers.
after prayers, went to the kitchen and help them out. until 4pm.
looking at many familiar faces but self ego dont wanna make frens with them.
i want to, but MALU!
after cooking,
went home and off to obek non hs.
many people thought i already came back from kl.
but NOT!!!!!!!
im still physically here!
whole day down there and went home straight.
after prayers, went to sch for DK
the whole day and got selection
got the costumes
and went home
came early morning
with enthu
went to NP together
met wano and took pictures
and at last i feel the vibes
ard 10plus, our turn to perform
but i guess its not our luck to win cuz we didnt give all out
so, went for lunch and join in to watch the rest of the show
my sisters, huda and hadi sat behind us. unexpectedly
and they announce all the winner.
1st bedok south
2nd NYP
3rd Fuhua
and i heard SP was disqualifies
and i heard after my kl trip, bedok south was disqualified too
so 4th placing by right SP
5th TP
now, finalise
1st NYP
2nd Fuhua
3rd TP
after show, went to al-ameen
den jihad, wano, reyza, leh, bas, fuad and me took 67 home
a long night fun trip.
and when it pass by serangoon, we call it, ONE SMELL!
sad, i noe tonight im gg to kl.
so morning, my dad bringing us out to bird park
4 complimentary tix. 2 adult 2 children for 1 tix
actually it happen like this
i was expecting my entry to be out soon
my mom knock the door and she said
"aku tgh flipping mana tau ada muka kau, skali muka keleng ni."
when i flip it, i laugh as i saw my dad holding the newpaper.
its actually a complimentary tic from SPH.
we noe the reporter cuz its the same reporter for interviewing opai.
but he add on my dad rush down just to buy the newspaper. damn fucker.haha
so, mom whipped up nasi lemak.
and macroni
so there's -> nisa, raudah, haziq, danial, angah, bik nini, mmg rzak, parents and i
we damn long didnt go bird park
so its like jakon for us
wa watch shows. and walked around looking at beautiful birds.
and walking in a circus net tent and there's a bridge. just realise we're actually at the canopy of the tree. meaning the top of the tree where birds like to hang around.
so yarh!
after few hours of doing so, we went back home contently.
and getting ready for KL!
Saturday, January 05, 2008 @ 1:10 AM
da balik, update nanti!
tis' the way